MedLink Health Solutions

3930 E. Ray Rd Suite #150

Phoenix, AZ 85044


Rockwood Natural Medicine Clinic

9755 N 90th St. Suite A210

Scottsdale, AZ 85258


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Chakra 3 Tincture


Overindulged Recently? Planning a Cleanse or a Fast?

Today's society is full of overindulgences such as alcohol, caffeine, junk food and recreational drugs that can put a lot of stress on your liver function. Exposure to pesticides and other chemicals can also harm the liver as well as long-term prescriptions and Over the Counter drugs can also take their toll.

Detox & Purify is a carefully formulated, full spectrum herbal remedy, that will help your liver function in removing toxins, maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and many more essential duties.

Solar Plexus Chakra and Liver Mantra: "I am confident and secure with myself."

The Solar Plexus Chakra and Liver are closely related. When the Manipura Chakra is out of balance, an individual may have physical issues such as constipation, eating disorder or liver issues. The associated emotional issues could be low self-esteem or a lot of mistrust. Detoxifying your liver is one thing that can help you re-establish balance in your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Ingredients: Fresh Burdock Root -Powerful herb that purifies the blood, strengthens the lymphatic system, is a natural diuretic, heals the skin and defends against diabetes. Yellow Dock Root -This root is very high in glycosides which are plant compounds known for their hepatoprotective benefits (protecting the liver). It is high in antioxidants which help stimulate the detoxification process in the liver. It is a bitter herb which stimulates the production of saliva thus aiding digestion. Oregon Grape Root -This root has significant impact on the digestive system and the liver. It is known to treat psoriasis and has immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory qualities. Oregon Grape is also known to impact the Manipura, or Solar Plexus Chakra with its healing qualities and natural yellow colors. Dandelion Root -This root has been used for centuries to cleanse and detoxify the body. It helps to make the Liver stronger and encourages the production of bile which helps with overall digestion. Its bitter taste comes from the mineral Sulphur which is used for liver detoxification. Dandelion Root also supports gut health and flora. Red Clover Blossoms -Red Clover has many beneficial attributes such as being a diuretic and helps us get rid of excess fluid in the body. It is also known to cleanse the liver as well as improving overall circulation. Nettle Leaf -Nettle Leaf is another well-known natural diuretic. It has antioxidant properties that protect the liver from toxins and inflammation. Red Root -This powerful root is known to help with liver issues such as cirrhosis, and chronic hepatitis. It also detoxifies the blood. Red Root is used for throat problems such as tonsillitis and sore throat. Fresh Ginger Root -Ginger is known to protect the liver due to its strong compounds such as gingerols and shogaols. The root has also been known to protect the liver from fibrosis as well as Schistosomiasis, which is a parasite that attacks the intestines and liver.

Detox & Purify can be used for all of the following physical and emotional ailments: Bloating, Nausea, Heartburn, Digestive Cramps, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Purpose, Feeling of Helplessness, Control Issues

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